Flatrock podcast logo

My friend and Best-of-Nashville podcaster Olivia commissioned me to design a logo for Flatrock, a new podcast under construction that will retell and examine the story of Kathy Jones, a young Nashville girl who was horribly raped and murdered decades ago while on her way to go roller skating at the Hippodrome near Nolensville and Thompson.Olivia didn't want the logo to be too cheeky, given the severity of the show's content. And the final logo needed to lend itself to T-shirts and stickers and other merch that will help fund her research and production costs. So I knew it needed to be simple and clean. And I knew I really wanted to integrate the skates somehow, as the imagery of a little girl's boot skates left behind in a field is really haunting and a distinct piece of the story.I came up with several variations (For logos I either have one idea or, like, thirty; I rarely ever have just three or four) and Olivia picked the one up top. I like it because you can lay it on top of color, no color, or even photographs and it can be played large without feeling overbearing.Here's a look at all the variations I played with:I'm pleased with the final version Olivia chose, and I can't wait to hear the episodes when they come out! Be sure to follow Flatrock for updates!


'Tis the Season for Spewin'


Luna Therapeutic Massage logo