Holiday Pro Tip cards: A funny little gift to the world AND a contest kind of thing

poinsettiaTHUMB1 mugTHUMB1 drapesTHUMB1People usually hate unsolicited advice, but people will LOVE these holiday pro tips from Eyedot Creative. Because they are kind of wrong and kind of really right.Behold some of the sage wisdom I have gathered over the years!Never, ever, ever let them see what you're drinking.Poinsettias are poisonous to cats. Hint Hint.Do not ask Santa if the carpet matches the drapes.What's YOUR holiday pro tip? Share it with me in the comments, and if I like it and think I can illustrate it for a card, I'll do that and you'll get some of those cards for free when I post them to the shop! (And you'll get credited on the card and listing too, of course.)I'm not putting any limit on submissions and I'm not going to say I'll pick one or five or 12; I'm going to pick as many as I feel like picking. So give me your funny holiday pro tips and let's make some cards!


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When the poll results roll in, you're going to want to have some of these cards ready