Theogeo Design & Photography is moving! But I'm having a giveaway!

I've called Memphis home for more than seven years now, and have drawn so much creative inspiration from it that, in many ways, I really do hate to leave. But a sweet new job calls my name, and I can't pass up the opportunity. So I'm packing up the family and we're going east. But before I go, I want to share some of my favorite pieces of Memphis with you in what I am calling the "Don't Forget About Me, Memphis!" giveaway. I've never done a giveaway before and I hope to do more in the future. So let's see how this goes. I have several prints to give away, so when you enter, give me your preference (see below) and if I still have what you want, that's what you'll get. Otherwise I'll send you the next best thing.Here's how it works, and because it's a giveaway, it's kind of necessarily cheesy:1. Leave a comment telling me what little piece of Memphis you will always carry with you. Can be literal or not; that's up to you. For me, I will always carry a little bit of Memphis' eccentric, gritty spirit with me. And I will probably also always carry with me the 30 extra pounds I gained from eating Memphis' delicious foods. Ahem.This first comment is mandatory to enter.For up to two additional entries, you can do the following. Leave a separate comment for each since every comment is an entry.2. Follow @theogeoetsy on Twitter and tweet the following: “I entered the Don't Forget About Me, Memphis Giveaway from @theogeoetsy!"3. “Like” Theogeo Design & Photography on Facebook. If you already do, just leave a comment here saying that you do.The contest is open from now until Friday, July 20, at 11:59 p.m. CDT, when I’ll choose four winners. I will inform the winners via email that night, so be sure to include a valid email address each time you comment. If I don’t receive a response from the winner within 48 hours, I will choose another winner. The contest is only open to those inside the U.S., since I'm ponying up for shipping.Good luck!Thanks to my friend Lesley for letting me more or less plagiarize her blog for the giveaway wording. She is a pro. Go enter her contests!


A new name and some info on that giveaway


Happy Small Business Saturday!